Evolinx - WSL2

WSL port of Evolinx is still under testing ( expect bugs )


  • Current releases require users to also install public certificate ( This will be covered in installation guide ).

Downloading files



  • Our wsl installation archive contains *.cer file that is public certificate
  • Our public certificate is needed as windows wont allow to install/run unknown sources applications
Installing certificate
  • Open up certificate by double clicking it
  • Then click Install Certificate...
  • Choose Local Machine
  • Choose Place certificate in the following... And then Browse...
  • Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and press OK with a Finish in next page
Installing Main package
  • The package to install after certificate mess is called .msix in the archive, it can be runned like any other .exe and windows has nice UI Installer for these ( It all should be pretty straight forward there + the wsl will ask some questions when runned initially to setup the passwords and etc )

Common issues and easy fixes

VHD not found or installed correctly
  • open cmd as admin and run:
$ wsl -t evolinx

# wsl --unregister evolinx

$ wsl --shutdown
  • open evolinx advanced settings in windows settings

  • do both reset's and then uninstall

  • Now reinstall and try again