Installing Evolinx with usb external drive

[ CLI ]: environment installation

[ Edited ]: 26.10.2023
  • Note: LiveOS system changes will be only applied temporarily in ram
  • Default LiveOS user name and passwd is
// username:password
$ root : toor
$ evolinx:evolinx
Updating & upgrading LiveOS system
$ bottle -Syu
  • Here we will use tool called parted
  • The drive i will use for this guide is at /dev/sdb as sda is install media
$ parted /dev/sdb

// If you got some old partitions there then you can remove this ( rm x ) x as number of partition
$ print

// Set partition table to gpt 
$ mklabel gpt

// Create esp partition for uefi ( 1gb as of initrd now)
$ mkpart primary fat32 1MB 1024MB
$ set 1 esp on

// create main ext4 rootfs partition
$ mkpart primary ext4 1024MB 85GB

// ctrl + c to exit
$ mkfs -t vfat /dev/sdb1

$ mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb2

$ e2label /dev/sdb2 evolinx
$ mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt

$ mkdir -vp /mnt/boot

$ mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/boot
$ cd /

$ base-strap /mnt base-system

$ base-chroot /mnt

// Giving root user password
$ passwd root
Enabling services
// For internet access in installed system
$ systemctl enable dhcpcd

// Just in-case if systemd thinks to give no login tty in default tty*
$ systemctl enable getty@tty1
$ systemctl enable getty@tty2
Adding sd-boot entries
// Create machine-id
$ dbus-uuidgen > /etc/machine-id

// If esp cant be found then redo parted ( esp enable part )
$ bootctl install

$ cd /boot

// Giving root user password is needed to login in next boot
$ passwd root
Adding boot configs

STAGING USERS: from 27.10.23 package called base-sdboot can be installed, this includes pre-configured loader.conf, evolinx.conf and emergency.conf ( This also means that / partition has LABEL added or you will get big fat ERROR message that wants base-sdboot to be uninstalled! )

  • cd /boot/loader and add this
// We need to install nano before we can do any changes

$ bottle -Sy nano

$ nano loader.conf

default  evolinx
timeout  4
console-mode max
editor   no
  • Now cd /boot/loader/entries
  • If LABEL dosent work then see if PARTLABEL is needed ( can be seen in /dev/disk/by-partlabel or label )
  • kernel VERSION can be found in /boot with a help of ls
$ nano evolinx.conf

title Evolutionary Linux
linux /vmlinuz-evolinx
initrd /initramfs-VERSION.img
options root=LABEL=evolinx rw audit=0
Adding user

// We need to install sudo first

$ bottle -Sy sudo

// Make home dir for user

$ mkdir /home/user

// Now add a new user

useradd user --home /home/user/

// Now change password of user

$ passwd user
// exit chroot
$ exit

// Running sync will make sure to save changes
$ sync

// Here we will use -l option to lazy unmount partitions
$ umount -l /mnt/boot

$ umount -l /mnt

$ reboot