[ PLASMA ]: environment instalation

[ Edited ]: 01.05.2023

Installing packages
// This is default metapackage for full plasma-desktop env experience
$ bottle -Sy base-desktop-plasma

// We also provide less "bloated" variant of plasma-desktop env
$ bottle -Sy base-desktop-plasma-clean
Adding finishes touched
// Installing packages
$ bottle -Sy sudo

// Adding users with groups ( evolinx will be username for the non-root user )
$ useradd evolinx -m -G wheel,adm

// We also need to give password for our user so you can actually log into the desktop environment
$ passwd evoling

// Enabling sudo usage for wheel group
$ nano /etc/sudoers

// Here we need to find string with "%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL"
// To jump there lets do "ctrl + w" and enter this " User privilege specification " then press enter
// There navigate few lines down until needed string is found and remove "# " from it
// After that "ctrl + x" then "y" and press enter to save changes

// Rebooting ( this will prompt you login screen in next boot-up )
$ reboot 0